Directions: Recife> Carnaubeira da Penha> Serra Umã> Recife

Travelers: Edson Barrus, yann beauvais, Thelmo Cristovan, Daylza Oliveira

General objective: Sound field recording (Thelmo Cristovan), film shoot (yann beauvais) and accounting administration (Daylza) for the making of the film "Derrubada Não!" (Don’t Cut It Down!) with a grant from Funcultura 2016.

Specific objective: to rethink the Imburana Project after participating in the Triennial Frestas.


~ 6:45 am We leave Boa Viagem in Recife

~ 7h42_ we refuel the car in Vitória de Santo Antão

~ _ Cash withdraw at Banco do Brasil in Arco Verde

13h07_ We have lunch at Serra Talhada

14h04_ We refuel the car at the junction of BR and Mirandiba

~ 14h20_We arrive in Carnaubeira da Penha

Check-in at Pousada Samyra

~ 3:30 pm_p>~15h30_ We went to the Village Logrador to combine the interview with the leadership Beto de Dezin, and then to the Land to define forms of actions in the period.


Footage of panoramic views of different trees at sunset... Ventania_

19h_Diner at the house of Dona Birina



We had breakfast at Pousada Samyra

We went to Aldeia Cachoeira 1 to look for Mr Severino who was not there.

Thelmo and yann headed to the site to capture sound and images

Daylza solved food, lodging and staffing finances for the film "Do not Cut Down)!"

12h_We made an audio interview with Beto in the Village Logrador

We had lunch at Dona Birina's House


Capturing sound and images on the site by Thelmo and yann

20h_ We had dinner at Dona Birina's House



Capturing sound and images on the site by Thelmo and yann

Daylza solved food, lodging and staffing finances of the film "Do not cut down!"

I fmet Severino and scheduled an interview for early evening.

We had lunch at Dona Birina


Capturing sound and images on the site by Thelmo and yann

Garbage collection and shards

18h_ We maded the interview audio with his Severino Ananias at Aldeia Cachoeira 1

20h_We had diner at Birina's house


~ We went up with his cousins Mr Severino and Lula to Serra Umã to meet the Gentle Rock

We tried Ajucá prepared by Seu Severino.

Deviation in Bonhome, to buy the homemade sweet of excellent quality of Dona Lúcia

Diversion in Sanharó to buy souvenirs

~ 8:30 pm- We arrived in Recife, Boa Viagem

Note: Thelmo saw 1 Chameleon and Green Snakes, 2 species so far unknown on the site, but it was not possible to register.


There are "missing pieces" in contemporary Brazilian culture. When I started collecting the pieces, I had in mind the breakdown of the indigenous diaspora and also a curiosity for local know-how. The cacaria is the result of the breakdown at the time of the expulsion of the local Indians by the white colonizer, but I really wanted to understand through these marks how the ceramic was made: what forms, what kind of clay, how the clay was smoothed and fitting of the piece?

Every shard is a virtuality, it is one, it might be possible to encounter another piece and to open new possibilities, the Cacaria Project lives on this future. But it is mostly a story of historical erasure, of custom, of know-how, of indigenous empowerment. So collecting the shards and trying to reconfigure them is one way to fight this erasure, this invisibility. Placing it in the museum indicates a fault.

Many shoes, slippers, whole and broken bottles of glass and pet, plastic, aluminum, rubber and industrial waste of all kinds. The shoes and shards are intriguing signs. It is imperative to reveal the pollution brought from the large industrial centers to the peripheral locations. Pollution of waste and diseases.

The imburana project results from my own re-approaching with a feeling of belonging, of returning to something that comes to you through the memory of expressions, smells, temperatures, textures.
