Travelers: Edson Barrus & yann beauvais




br 242
6AM. Exit from Domingos Ferreira avenue, Boa Viagem, Recife > BR 232 > to Carnaubeira da Penha.

6.36AM.  Rei das Coxinhas, Gravatá. Stop to pee and try to eat something without any success.

8.47AM. Tank fueling at Tacaimbó

12h30. Lunch at Serra Talhada.

1.15 PM Arrival in Carnaubeira, we desist to stay at the Pousada due to the heavy noise produce by the construction works within the building. In Mirandiba, the pousada is not suitable, so we decide to go to Petrolina, in order to buy a carranca and other objects made with Imburana woods.

4.04 PM Tank fueling. Parnamirim.

7.30 PM Arrival at Petrolina. We stay at a parent house .




Casa do Artesão de Petrolina
Purchase of a carranca from Bitinho within the Petrolina Art and Craft Center PE.

Purchase of "gamela" and two wooden spoons in Juazeiro/BA.


Bitinho e Ana das Carrancas na Praia de Boa Viagem / re-foto: Edson Barrus
Bitinho and Ana das Carrancas at Boa Viagem beach, Recife
Re-photo: Edson Barrus of photo found in the house of Bitinho, Juazeiro / BA.

Purchase of 2 water shakers.



Rest and personal things

06/30/2017 (Friday)

1.30 PM  Exit from Petrolina to Carnaubeira.
4.30 PM. Arrival in Carnaubeira. We stay at some parents place.
Meeting with Beto in the Adeia Rodeador, because we forgot the lock key from the site gate.

07//01/2017 (Saturday)


carro atolado
Car stuck at the entrance of the terrain


passando alho na bota
Speading garlic on the boots


Breaking and replacement of the lock with Beto


yann beauvais Pimburana
Photos taken by yann as traveling shoots for Derrubada Não !


coletando cacos
Collecting terra cotta pieces and rubbish



Photos taken by yann as traveling shoots for Derrubada Não !

Collecting terra cotta pieces and rubbish

cobra preta
Black Snake


We set a meeting for the next morning with Seu Severino


07/02/2017 (Sunday)


7AM. Meeting with Seu Severino at Pousada Samyra


mapeamento de plantas
Mapping and shooting of plants with Seu Severino on site. 


Beto espirito da mata
Beto meet us in the woods and told us that the ANJUCÁ made from Pau Ferro is even stronger than Jurema's.

New plants such as : Pau Darco, Velame, Vermelhim, Catolé, Jericó, Olho de Santa Luzia, Facheiro, Papaconha, Malva Melosa, Malva Branca, Anil, Folha de carne, Jandainha, Pau de serrote, Pinhão Rasterinho, Cipó Rosa, Cipó de cobra, Incó.

Papaconha with lagarta de fogo


Note: Beto told us about the existence of 2 imburanas de cheiro that we did not find. Task in the next expedition.

new animals : Cavalo do cão, Ingongo e Black Snake



We decide that Seu Severino will make the sign to not take anything from the site, and consolidate the wire hedge on loose piles


Aldeia Cachoeira 1
We went to the Aldeia Cachoeira 1 with Seu Severino. We ate in his home.



Photos and film made by yann for Derrubada Não !

projeto imburana
Report and sampling leaves of mapped plants made that morning with Seu Severino.

Collecting bits of terra cotta and garbage
Meeting with family members




6.AM. Exit from Carnaubeira to Recife
6.24 AM Tank fueling, Mirandiba
9.37AM. Stop at the bakery at Arcoverde.
10.29AM. Purchase of different products at « Variedades do Agreste », Sanharó
12h. Traffic jam on the ascend of Serra das Russas. Gravatá
12.24AM Tank fueling, Pombos.
1.30 PM Arriving at Ed. João Paulo. Boa Viagem.


Cleaning materials, selection, book-keeping, notes and report.
