Travelers: Edson Barrus e yann beauvais

Recife > Ibimirim > Floresta > Carnaubeira da Penha > Recife


BR 232
BR 232


Carvão vendido na estrada
Sellers of coal on the road


Toras de imburana
Logs to be carved, Ibimirim



Estradadas Queimadas
Road in construction Floresta - Queimadas - Carnaubeira
On this road we gave a ride to two young Pankaras cousins who were going to the Penha Festival in Carnaubeira


pousada Samyra
Pousada Samyra


cacaria e vidro
Cacaria and glasses


catando lixo
Collecting shards and trash



yann filmando
Yann beauvais photographing


Aldeia Serra Umã
Aldeia da Serra Umã



Descending the Serra Umã



coleta seleção
shards and trash



lixo selecionado
Garbage collected



seleção de cacos
Collected shards

